Your Ultimate Guide to Chest Tracking in Clash Royale

chest tracker clash royale

Are you tired of opening Clash Royale chests and getting nothing but duplicate cards or common cards you already have? Do you want to increase your chances of getting rare and epic cards? Then, chest tracking might be the solution you’ve been looking for. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about chest tracking in Clash Royale and how it can benefit your gameplay.

Understanding Chests in Clash Royale

Clash Royale offers different types of chests, each with varying rarities and rewards. Common chests, like the free and silver chests, offer basic cards and resources, while rare and epic chests, like the gold and magical chests, offer higher chances of rare and epic cards. The chest cycle in Clash Royale determines the order in which you receive chests, and each cycle consists of 240 chests. The odds of getting different rarity chests increase as you move through the cycle.

chest tracker clash royale

Benefits of Chest Tracking in Clash Royale

Chest tracking can help you get more rare and epic cards, increase your efficiency in opening chests, and make more progress in the game. By tracking the chests you’ve opened, you can predict when the next rare or epic chest will appear and save time by focusing on opening the chests that matter the most.

Chest Tracking Methods in Clash Royale

There are several ways to track your chests in Clash Royale, including manual tracking using pen and paper, online chest trackers, and mobile apps. Choose the method that works best for you and start tracking your chests to get the most out of the game.

Manual Chest Tracking

If you prefer a more traditional approach, you can manually track your chests using pen and paper. Start by understanding how the chest cycle works and keeping a record of the location of each chest you open. By following the cycle, you can predict when you’ll receive your next rare or epic chest and maximize your rewards.

Online Chest Trackers

Online chest trackers offer a convenient way to track your chests without the need for pen and paper. There are several popular online chest trackers available that use the Clash Royale API to track your chests in real-time. Simply enter your player tag, and the tracker will do the rest.

Mobile Apps for Chest Tracking

Mobile apps are another option for chest tracking in Clash Royale. There are several popular apps available, including “Stats Royale” and “Chest Tracker for Clash Royale,” that offer real-time tracking of your chest cycle. With a mobile app, you can track your chests on the go and never miss a cycle.

Tips and Tricks for Chest Tracking in Clash Royale

To maximize the benefits of chest tracking, there are several tips and tricks you can follow. Speed up the chest cycle by playing more often, understand the randomness of chest drops, and focus on opening the most valuable chests to get the most out of your tracking.

In conclusion, chest tracking is a valuable tool for any Clash Royale player looking to increase their chances of getting rare and epic cards. By understanding the different types of chests, the chest cycle, and the benefits of chest tracking, you can make more progress in the game and enjoy a more rewarding experience. So, what are you waiting for? Start tracking your chests today and dominate the arena!