What is the Most Sold Console of All Time?

When it comes to gaming, the world has witnessed an incredible evolution in the past few decades. From the days of Pong to the current era of lifelike graphics and immersive gameplay, one question remains: What is the most sold console of all time? In this article, we will embark on a journey through the gaming industry’s history, exploring the rise and reign of the console that holds the coveted title of being the best-selling of all time.

The Birth of the Console

Our journey begins in the early 1970s when the gaming industry was still in its infancy. It was during this period that the Magnavox Odyssey, often considered the first commercial video game console, made its debut. Although it had limited games and graphics by today’s standards, it laid the foundation for what was to come.

The Atari Revolution

Fast forward to the late 1970s and early 1980s, and we witness the Atari 2600 dominating the gaming scene. With iconic games like “Space Invaders” and “Pac-Man,” the Atari 2600 became a household name and introduced gaming to a broader audience. Its joystick controllers and simple yet engaging gameplay set the stage for future consoles.

The Nintendo Era

As we moved into the late 1980s, Nintendo entered the scene with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). This 8-bit wonder brought classics like “Super Mario Bros.” and “The Legend of Zelda” into our lives. The NES became a cultural phenomenon, and its success was instrumental in revitalizing the gaming industry after the video game crash of 1983.

The Sony PlayStation Revolution

In the mid-1990s, Sony shook the gaming world with the release of the PlayStation. With cutting-edge 3D graphics and a vast library of games, the PlayStation quickly gained a massive following. Titles like “Final Fantasy VII” and “Metal Gear Solid” set new standards for storytelling in video games, making the PlayStation a must-have for gamers.

The PlayStation 2 – A Game-Changer

Sony continued its dominance with the PlayStation 2 (PS2), which was released in 2000. The PS2’s ability to play DVDs in addition to its extensive game library made it an attractive choice for consumers. It went on to become not only the best-selling console of its generation but also the best-selling console of all time.

Microsoft’s Entry with the Xbox

In 2001, Microsoft entered the console race with the Xbox. While it faced stiff competition from Sony, the Xbox made its mark with the release of “Halo: Combat Evolved.” The game’s success helped establish Microsoft as a major player in the industry and laid the foundation for the future Xbox consoles.

Nintendo’s Portable Success

While home consoles were dominating, Nintendo found its niche in the handheld gaming market with devices like the Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, DS, and 3DS. These portable consoles offered unique gaming experiences and contributed significantly to Nintendo’s overall sales.

The Present-Day Battle

As of today, the best-selling console of all time is the PlayStation 2, with over 155 million units sold worldwide. It remains a testament to Sony’s impact on the gaming industry. However, it’s worth noting that Sony’s own PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 are making strides towards challenging the PS2’s record.


The journey through the history of gaming consoles reveals a fascinating tale of innovation, competition, and cultural significance. While the PlayStation 2 holds the title of the most sold console of all time, the gaming industry continues to evolve, with new contenders constantly emerging. As technology advances and new gaming experiences are created, the question of which console will ultimately claim the title in the future remains open, ensuring that the world of gaming will continue to captivate audiences for years to come.


  1. How many units of the PlayStation 2 were sold worldwide?
    • The PlayStation 2 sold over 155 million units worldwide, making it the best-selling console of all time.
  2. Which game is often credited with the success of the Xbox?
    • “Halo: Combat Evolved” is often credited with helping establish the Xbox as a major player in the gaming industry.
  3. What was the first commercially successful video game console?
    • The Magnavox Odyssey is often considered the first commercially successful video game console.
  4. Which Nintendo console revived the gaming industry after the 1983 video game crash?
    • The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) played a significant role in revitalizing the gaming industry.
  5. What is the current best-selling console?
    • As of now, the PlayStation 2 holds the title of the best-selling console of all time, with over 155 million units sold worldwide.