Is XCOM 2 on the Switch Worth Your Time?

XCOM 2 on the Switch

The alien invasion of the year 2084 is far from over. In the war between mankind and aliens, the last remaining defense of the human race stands as the XCOM organization of resistance fighters. The players of this game are the members of this organization who fight a secret war against the alien invaders.

XCOM 2 on the Nintendo Switch is an updated version of the game that was released 12 years ago on PC platforms. With the new console-based gameplay, you can now play this game anywhere with your friends. Whether you’re an old-school or a new-comer to the world of strategy games; you’ll be rewarded with a fulfilling gameplay experience in XCOM 2 on the Switch. Read along to find out if playing XCOM 2 on the Nintendo Switch is worth your time.

XCOM 2 on the Switch: Should you buy it?

XCOM 2 on the Switch

If you are a fan of turn-based strategy games, then XCOM 2 on the Switch is a must-have! The game has been tweaked to be more comfortable and optimized for the Switch’s hybrid handheld/home console format. This means the game can be played using the Joy-Con or Pro Controller, with the former offering a more traditional console experience and the latter offering a more traditional keyboard-and-mouse experience.

The graphics and sound of the game have also been optimized for the Switch. This includes the use of HD assets, higher frame rates, and Dolby Atmos audio support, resulting in an experience that is both beautiful and immersive. Additionally, there are plenty of modes and extras available to keep players entertained for hours on end. Whether you’re a fan of the base game or one of its numerous DLC packs, there’s definitely something for everyone in the world of XCOM 2 on the Switch!

XCOM 2 on the Switch: Pros and Cons

XCOM 2 on the Switch is a unique experience that is not available on other platforms. The game can be played with either a controller or the Joy-Con controllers, and the graphics have been improved by the addition of HDR in the latest update. This means that the game looks even better than it does on other platforms.

The game can be played offline, which is a big plus, and the multiplayer mode of the game is currently unavailable on the Switch, although this could change in the future. All of these factors make the game an appealing option for players looking for a unique experience on the go.

Graphics and audio in XCOM 2

Graphics and audio in the game are top-notch on the Switch. The game offers a great experience even on a small screen. The graphics of the gameplay are of the highest quality as expected, and the audio of the game is equally good. It’s immersive and engaging, making the gameplay more enjoyable.

The game features gorgeous graphics and stunning visuals on the switch to add to the overall experience of the game. If you’re a fan of strategy games, then you must play XCOM 2 on the switch. The multiplayer mode of the game is a blast, and it’s one of the best reasons to play this game on the switch. If you’re a fan of turn-based games with awesome gameplay, then you must not miss out on playing XCOM 2 on the switch.

How long does it take to complete the game?

-The game is rated for players aged 12 and up.

-It is about 2 hours long, but it can be shorter or longer depending on your playing style. There are multiple difficulty levels available to choose from, so you can adjust the game’s tone to suit your preferences.

-The game supports co-operative multiplayer for up to four players. If you’re looking for an extra challenge, the game has a number of options for single-player mode, including the option of beating the campaign on higher difficulty settings.

-There is an online leaderboard and achievements system in the game, which allows you to track your performance across the world. The system also gives you the chance to compare your performance with others, earning bragging rights and other rewards along the way.

-If you’re interested in the series’ lore, there’s plenty of additional content available on the game’s official website. This includes the campaign story as well as the War of Currents and Operation Timeskip stories that were added in the expansion packs. You can also find details of other related content on the website, such as strategy guides and comics.

What are the features of XCOM 2 on the Switch?

XCOM 2 on the Nintendo Switch offers the same 1080p resolution and 60fps performance as the original game.

The game also supports shared saves, which allows players to continue their progress on other devices. This feature makes the switch a great option for players who currently own the game on another platform, but want to access the latest updates easily.

The game includes two-player co-operative play and online multiplayer for up to four players. This provides an excellent way of enjoying the game with friends and family, without having to split the screen. The additional features of this version of the game make it a worthwhile purchase for fans of the series.

Should you buy XCOM 2 on the Switch?

XCOM 2 is an excellent turn-based strategy game that’s perfect for the Switch. Yes, the Switch version of the game has been enhanced with additional features, including a new gameplay mode called ‘active survival’, which lets you fight back against the aliens in an Earth-based environment. If you are a fan of strategy games, then you should buy the game on the Switch. There are no major differences between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game, so whether you’re playing on a console or the handheld device, you’re getting the same experience.


If you’re someone who loves strategy games, the Switch version of XCOM 2 is the best way to play the game. The gameplay is the same as the PC version of the game, and it supports docked and handheld mode for gameplay. Moreover, the graphics and audio of the game doesn’t change from the console versions to the handheld ones. If you’ve been thinking of picking up this game on the console or handheld of your choice, comment below and tell us if we’re right or wrong!